I survived... The stress leading up to Christmas is just crazy. The kids in school are "off the wall" ... strangers are just plain cranky.. stores are packed and traffic is crazy. It is probably my least favorite time of year. Then throw in a "huge" snow storm and well......
But I made it ! It is now the day after Christmas around noon and I am still in my Christmas PJ's. I have no energy to do anything, though I need to.
Christmas Eve was great.. I spent it with "my side" of the family.. Just siblings and kids.. totalling 23 because 4 live in Texas.. A little crazy and loud but great. Christmas day is spent with the"other side". Much smaller, only 11. still just as crazy and loud.
Now the test truly begin... My husband, son, daughter and I are ALL home for the next 10 days. This is a rare event . Pray for us ! LOL